Using Discovery Search at RVU

Step 1: Visit the library’s website to start your research.

Step 2: RVU’s Discovery Search enables you to search broadly across the library’s entire holdings (e.g. over 40 million articles, 10,000 eBooks, etc.).

If used effectively, Discovery Search is a powerful search engine that helps you find peer-reviewed articles, case files, systematic reviews, and much…much…more

Step 3: Use your student username and password to log into the library’s proxy. Remember, do not include “” in your username.

Step 4: More often than not, Discover Search will return thousands of results—too much to process in one single session.

If you want to reduce the number of results into a browsable chuck of information and focus your search, use Limiters.

Standard limiters include:

  • Author
  • Full Text
  • Peer Reviewed
  • Subject
  • Journal
  • Database
  • Publisher
  • Item Type

Finding relevant information can be an intimidating process—know that we are here to help. Visit the circulation desk for assistance or email for a research consultation.